Analytics & Financial Reporting

Analytics & Financial Reporting

Practice Management reports

Practice Management Reports

Your everyday work at your practice can’t be optimized unless a suite of reports are handy. Missed and cancelled appointments, day list of patients, new and existing patients daily overlook, patients with pending treatment plans, etc. are just a glimpse of what can be made possible.

Financial reporting

Financial Reporting

Apollonia can ensure that your financials are in-line and well managed. A suite of reports are there for you to help you manage your cash flow, daily financial summary, billing analytics and summaries, end of month productivity and many more.

Auto Scheduled reports

Auto Scheduled Reports

With Apollonia, you can always ensure that your favourite reports are sent to your personal email on timely basis. We know that confidentiality matters; you will not need to worry about access rights and permission anymore.

VAT Filing Reports

VAT Filing Reports

With Apollonia, you can get piece of mind every quarter while preparing for your VAT returns. A return summary and a detailed report of your taxable treatments and services will be available. You can make any adjustments and verify your submission before posting.

DHA Statistics reports

DHA Statistics Reports

We make sure you spent your time on caring for your patients. We take care of all regulatory reporting on monthly or quarterly basis for you. All your reports and submissions are there for you in one place ready to be dispatched when you need.